I’ll walk you through what I do to prep the months and weeks leading up to a new year of homeschooling. I hope it’s an encouragement to you this summer! as you look toward fall!
I prefer to order my homeschool curriculum in early spring. Right as we close out a previous school year. The curriculum will typically arrive mid-summer and I’ll tuck it away for later. But don't worry if it's summer and you're just getting to it!
Each year our homeschooling area looks completely different. As our family grows, the way we utilize our bedrooms changes. We’re big fans of playing musical rooms in our home. Including the school area!
Prepping School Area
Each one of my children has a large plastic bin that they keep their books and school supplies in.
Prepping my Homeschool Supplies
Having easy meals on hand for the first few weeks of school is another way that I prepare. I love having easy breakfasts on hand as well as simple lunches and dinners.
Preparing Easy Meals
– Clean out and organize the pantry – Clean out and organize the fridge – Stock up on groceries
Prepping our Home