Budget Nursery and Playroom Makeover

We’ve been playing musical bedrooms since we moved into our home.  This time around I did a $75 Budget Nursery and Playroom Makeover for our youngest little fella!
$75 Nursery Budget Makeover

When we moved into our little ranch farmhouse two years ago we initially put all the boys in one room, all the girls in one room, had the baby in our bedroom and turned our fourth bedroom into a schoolroom. This worked well for a short season!  As the kids grew a little older we thought it might be nice for our oldest daughter to have her own room (being the oldest of 6 kids deserves an award!).  We converted our schoolroom into her bedroom.  After a few months the girls began to miss one another and they moved back in together (like I said… musical bedrooms).  We were back to an empty bedroom and kept it that way for a few months while we focused on the holidays.  

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCse1oibeq8[/embedyt]

$75 Nursery Budget Makeover

We decided we would turn the extra bedroom into a playroom on one side and Carter Hank’s bedroom on the other side.  This bedroom is directly across from our kitchen which was super important to me.  When we do our school at the kitchen table I found that the little two always wanted to be near us.  This has been a wonderful transition because it allows them to play nearby and feel like they’re still a part of the bigger group. AND it gives us a little space from having a 3 and 1 year old under foot while we’re learning. 


My goal with this makeover was to keep the cost $75 or less and to work with what I already had on hand.  I shopped my house and got creative! I painted a piece of furniture I already had, created inexpensive prints for wall art (make sure to scroll down because you can download them for FREE!) and made a statement wall with leftover chalk paint.   So often with social media we feel the need to purchase everything new.  And then fall into the trap of feeling like we can’t have the perfect space because we can’t afford to buy all new.  I want to encourage you to shop your house!  Using what you have can be fun and there is such sweet satisfaction in refreshing a space spending very little (or nothing at all!).    


I knew I wanted some big prints on the empty white wall. And I knew that I also didn’t have a big budget to purchase something.  I ended up creating two prints that were designed to go side by side. “YOU ARE SO LOVED”.  I uploaded the prints to the Staples website and ordered them as Blueprint prints.  This is a super inexpensive way to get big prints (this only works well if they’re black and white prints). I paid LESS than $4 for both prints. The prints are 18×24 in size.  I used these frames and after shopping around realized it’s the best price for them.

You can download these prints for FREE below! The only thing I ask is that you tag me for credit if you post about them!  ENJOY!

$75 Nursery Budget Makeover

Most of the items that I used were things that I had purchased over the years.  I tried to find similar (or identical) items that were around the same price point!



Budget Nurser and Playroom Makeover

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