Taking Stock || December Edition

Hello friends-
After a 2 week break from all things social media, I’m feeling refreshed and ready to dip my toe back in. My businesses are all online, and I’m slowly learning that taking breaks to step away is wise and refreshing.

The past few weeks have been filled with early bedtimes (8th baby at 37… I’m feelin’ it), slower days, prepping for Christmas, prepping for a baby and just enjoying being more present with my crew.

I also spent the past two weeks business planning for 2022. For my blog (I am so excited to continue to share more!) as well as my homeschooling business (Home and Haven Homeschool Community).

Our yearly tradition of going to the symphony for christmas.

This past year with blogging was a big learning curve and growing experience. It’s been a fun adventure and one that I am so grateful for. I’ve had a few readers comment that the style of my blogging has changed from the way it used to be. And yes, this is true!

Years ago when I first started my blog (almost 13 years ago!), blogging was more of a scrap book style of writing. You shared about your family and more of a glimpse into your daily life.

Now, blogging has turned into more of an editorial style content. Which, I love! As my kids get older, I find myself wanting to pull back a little bit more on what I am sharing online.

Going forward, I’ll still be sharing bits and pieces of our family. But I’ll also be sharing my favorite recipes, posts about raising our farm animals, home inspiration and homeschooling posts.

Thank you for being a part of this online community! I can’t wait to share more in 2022!

Taking Stock

I’ve had a few readers request a “Taking Stock” post. If you’re newer to the blog, I used to share these style of posts every now and then that are a little peek into what we’re up to. I thought it would be fun to do one as I jump back in from my break!

Making: On today’s to-do I’m going to be making a big batch of these to pop into our freezer for Christmas morning! With baby girl due in a few weeks, I want to make sure I have all of our Christmas traditions prepped and ready just in case she decides to arrive around Christmas.

Getting: I’ve been getting super excited thinking about the next few weeks. This is my second baby to have right after Christmas and there is just something so magical about it! The anticipation of our favorite holiday AND a new baby coming are giving me all the feels.

Cooking: I’ve been making a lot of soups lately. On the menu for tonight is this one. Any time someone makes this recipe, they always comment that it’s the best they’ve had!

This little love has been extra cuddly lately.
I’ve been soaking up these last few weeks with him being the baby.

Sipping: Eggnog. I feel like you either love it or hate it. This pregnancy I am loving it. A little glass of it every night while I sit by the Christmas tree has been making me feel extra Mrs. Clause. It’s a joke around our house that with my pregnancies I turn into Mrs. Clause- jolly and always laughing

Reading: Over my 2 week social media break I wanted to read a light hearted Christmas romance. Before I hopped off of social media I saw someone share this book. It was basically like a Hallmark movie in Christmas form. The perfect way to unwind at the end of a day.

Thinking: Thinking through the last minute to-do’s I need to finish to be prepped and ready for Christmas morning. I’ve got a running list in my phone that is slowly whittling down. I’ve also been thinking through my hospital bag (which I’ll share later this week) as well as meals for the kids while we’re at the hospital. Lots of thinking and list making these days.

A little sunday morning picture & a december homeschool morning

Remembering: To slow down and soak up this time. These past two weeks have been so sweet and slow. I’m really grateful for this season with my babies all in my nest. I know these years will be gone before I know it and I don’t want to miss a moment.

Looking: I’m currently sitting on the couch looking at my favorite Christmas tree. Every year we do a real tree (from the Christmas tree farm) as well as an artificial tree that I leave up through January. I needed a new artificial tree this year and ended up getting this flocked one. It is my all time favorite! I highly recommend if you’re needing a new tree.

The kids draw each other’s names to give Christmas gifts to.
We went out for a cracker barrel breakfast
(a treat from our grandma&grandpa) and then went shopping.
I love this tradition!

Listening: The two albums that I have on repeat during the holidays are this one and this one. We have been listening to this album since we were newly weds in a tiny little apartment. It brings back the sweetest memories!

Enjoying: I’ve been enjoying doing Advent with the kids every morning after we eat breakfast. I wrote up a blog post sharing what we do here.

Finishing: My number one goal today is to finish sorting and wrapping our stocking stuffers. You can see my stocking stuffers ideas here. I just finished purchasing everything a few days ago. This was my last purchase for both of the girls. They’re going to love them!

Loving: These posts from a few of my girlfriends who also blog! This post from Alex, this post from Liz and this post from Elizabeth. I think you’ll adore their blogs as well!

Wearing: I’ve reached the point of pregnancy where not a ton fits at this point. I’ve been living in these leggings with oversized shirts. I just ordered a few more pairs of those leggings to wear those first few weeks postpartum. I love that they’re not crazy expensive and that they have a higher band to keep everything tucked in and supported. Perfect for those days after giving birth.

Saving: We’ve had a lot of conversations lately about budgeting and saving. We have some big family goals for 2022. A few of the blog posts that I have in mind for the upcoming year have to do with budgeting and being resourceful with what you have.

The sweetest little sonogram picture of baby girl! We are counting down the days until we can kiss those precious little cheeks.

I hope you have been enjoying the holidays. Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and support our family (did you know that just be clicking over and reading you’re supporting our family financially?!). So truly…thank you.

I am so grateful for each one of you and can’t wait to share more blog posts in the coming weeks.

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One Comment

  1. I love the way you did this post. I am sorta new and this was wonderful. Thanks for sharing and prayers for the new baby.

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