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A Day in the Life: September Edition

A whole day in the life blog post devoted to my morning routine, afternoon routine and evening routine. I’ve also included what our homeschool daily schedule looks like.  

Back in the old days of blogging we used to do regular “Day in the Life” posts. I loved them because it was a fun way to get to know the author of the blog and to see how they lived their life.

I thought it would be fun to bring it back to the blog! I’ll break it down throughout the day and attempt to make it as thorough as possible.  


Most days I try to get up between 5-6am.  I love having time by myself first thing in the morning to have a cup of coffee and read my Bible. I find that I’m a more patient homeschooling mama if I have time to myself before the kids get up.

My morning routine typically looks like:

  • Read my Bible
  • Have a cup of coffee
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Fill the Berkey for the day
  • Make sure Travis has his work clothes ready for the day
  • Answer my emails
  • Make a to-do list that needs to be accomplished for the day
  • Take a bath
  • Make a fresh squeezed juice for Trav and myself. This is the juicer we have had for almost a year. It gets used every single morning and we love it! A normal morning juice for us has oranges, carrots, celery and spinach in it. I’ll also add Travis’ supplements to his juice (I take mine in pill form).
  • Kiss my man and get him out the door.
  • Work on a blog post before the kids wake up.

The kids will get up around 7am most mornings. I let them watch a morning tv show for a few minutes while they wake up.

Some mornings we have a slower start because I let them sleep in a little bit. I love letting them SLEEP to keep their immune systems strong. I have a whole blog post on boosting your immune systems here.

While I make breakfast, the kids will begin their inside morning chores.  Each child has a list of chores that are age appropriate for them to accomplish each morning.

We use these chore charts here.

I’ll also switch out the laundry several times throughout the morning. Most days it only gets washed and dried.

We’ll do a big folding day a few times a week while I read out loud to the kids.

Read more about our favorite read aloud books here.

Read why I love using dryer balls for our laundry here.


Breakfast is usually a hot meal. I love cooking and this is a way that I love blessing my family.  A lot of the recipes below are favorites that can easily be made ahead.


After breakfast I will clean up the kitchen, the little 2 boys will head off to play and the rest of the kids will disperse to finish their barn chores. They’re each in charge of feeding and caring for a group of animals (goats, pigs, Bobwhite quail, horse, chickens, chicks and cats).


Once I have the kitchen cleaned I’ll also finish getting ready for my day.  Below are my favorite makeup and skincare products that I use daily.

If you need help with Beautycounter products, you can always send me an email! ashley@thevanillatulip.com
I would be more than happy to help you color match or find the perfect skincare.

I use this every morning before I moisturize. I love how it has given my skin a healthy glow!
Countertime Collection: I use a few pieces of this in the morning and a few other pieces at night.
FLAWLESS IN FIVE MAKEUP SET: the best bang for your buck if you’re wanting clean makeup.


We meet in the living room first for our Bible time.  During this time we will read a passage of the Bible, work on our Bible Verse Memorization, practice saying through the books of the Bible and pray.

After Bible time we split up for the morning.  I use the next few hours to work with my younger grades and my older two kids will head off to do independent work.  

We use these Student Schedule Printables to keep everyone on track.

And I use this Homeschool Planner to keep myself organized.

If you are new to homeschooling and aren’t sure where to start, I highly recommend the “New Homeschooler’s Toolkit” to begin!

In the morning hours my older two (8th and 6th) will work on their music practice, reading (we are using Sunlight Curriculum which has quite a bit of reading) and math.  After lunch I will help them correct math, talk through their science and history (they are doing it together) and assist with their Language Arts.

I spend the time before lunch working with my 4th, 3rd, Kinder and Pre-K kids.  We sit at a little table together and it’s a bit of a circus juggling act with subjects but we make it work!

This year I have combined a lot of subjects for my 4th and 3rd grader. It’s been a wonderful change and has made my job as a homeschool teacher a lot easier.  

While I am working with the 4th and 3rd grader, I’ll make sure that the younger two (Kinder and PreK) are both set up with activities that can be done somewhat independently. I use this “Preschool Alphabet Workbook” daily for my Pre-K buddy.


I have several other Homeschool related posts that go into our homeschooling journey in more details:


We typically break for lunch around 12:30.  A few of our favorite lunches are:

  • Quesadillas
  • Charcuterie Board: usually a board filled with our favorite snack foods. Veggies and hummus, cut up fruit, cheese, lunch meat and crackers.
  • Pasta with red sauce
  • Sandwiches with fruit and chips
  • Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese

I’ll usually eat a salad for my lunch.  These Mason Jar Cobb Salads are one of my favorites!


After lunch I will lay the little two down for their naps, some of the kids will head outside to play and I’ll sit down to work with my older two kids.

We will correct their math, talk through their Sunlight history and science (they do their Science projects/experiments on Fridays) and I’ll help them with their Language Arts/writing.

We usually wrap up school around 2pm.  The big kids will head off to play or go outside and I’ll find a cozy spot on the couch for an hour.

About once a week I’ll take a short nap (an 8th pregnancy at 37 years old is no joke!).  Most afternoons I’ll spend an hour working on blog posts or Home+Haven Homeschool Community.

Once everyone is up from their naps we spend the rest of the afternoon playing outside, tidying up from the day, prepping dinner or running errands. I try to keep my errands for the end of the week, but some days a trip to the feed store can’t be helped.


I start prepping dinner around 5pm. This particular night we had grilled hamburgers, French fries and baked beans. A few of our favorite dinners are:


Our evenings are typically spent outside. Some of our favorite evening activities:

  • Checking on the animals
  • Going on a side-by-side ride as a family
  • Playing football in the front yard
  • Travis and I will sit on the front porch in our rocking chairs visiting. The kids know this is our date night time and will play somewhere else on the property so we can visit.

Bath time usually starts around 7:45PM. After everyone is bathed the kids will watch a show before bed while Travis and I visit for a little longer.  The little ones will get tucked into bed and my older kids will read in their beds until lights out. 


I will work in the evenings for about an hour while visiting next to Travis on the couch. My bedtime routine is pretty simple.  I will wash my face with my favorite skincare products and curl up in bed by 10PM at the latest.


That’s an average day in a nutshell! It’s full to the brim and I wouldn’t have it any other way!  Most days my to-do list isn’t anywhere near accomplished, but I’m okay with that.

I do the best that I can and make sure that my family stays top priority.  Everything else falls into place and if it needs to be accomplished another day, then so be it!

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments and I will have an updated FAQ soon!


What time do you go to bed?

I used to be a night owl and stay up until midnight. These days I am in bed no later than 10PM.

Have you always been an early morning riser?

Kind of! I have always required very little sleep. Until recently, I have always loved staying up late to get work done (and to have some quiet time to myself). I also love waking up before my kids to have a moment to drink a cup of coffee and read my Bible. I find that I’m a much more patient mom if I get up before they do.

Do you have any outside help like childcare, a mother’s helper or a cleaning service?

We do all the cleaning ourselves! And this is actually the very first year where I have my very own built in babysitter! We are slowly letting Emma (almost 14) babysit for short periods of time. It has been such a blessing! Before that, I had a babysitter I would hire for any appointments that I needed to attend (mostly dentist or dr appointments). Besides an occasional babysitter, we have no outside help. Our family runs like a team and we get things done together! It’s definitely getting easier the older my kids get.

Do you have any help running your online businesses?

Yes! I have several amazing women on my team who help things move smoothy along! I have several online businesses and have someone helping with each one of them in different ways. I have my blog, Home+Haven Homeschool Community and also my Beautycounter business. I am so grateful for women who are hard workers!

What chores do each of the kids do?

This is a pretty large question, so I’ll work on a whole blog post that outlines our chore schedule! Each child (minus the 1 year old) has a list of chores that needs to be accomplished every morning. We work together to make sure our home and farm gets taken care of.

How many days a week do you do school?

The younger kids do a 4 day school week. And my older kids finish up their lessons and do a science project on the 5th day (Friday).

When do you do your house cleaning or laundry?

We do a 4 day school week so that I am able to catch up on housework and laundry on Fridays. Throughout the week we focus on keeping the house picked up. Fridays are for the vacuuming, dusting, mopping and deep cleaning bathrooms. We wash laundry throughout the week and fold a few loads at a time. Some weeks we end up folding the majority of it on Fridays, but I TRY to not let it build up to that extent. Try being the key word ha!

Do you get to go on dates with your husband?

Funny enough, I have a blog post started on this very question. The beginning of our marriage up until a few years ago we didn’t have the budget to hire a babysitter for date nights. We got creative and started doing date nights at home years ago. That sometimes means putting the kids to bed early to watch a show together, sitting on the front porch to visit while the kids play in the back yard, picking up take out to enjoy with each other, etc. Dating your spouse doesn’t need to cost a lot of money (it can be free!) or mean you have to leave the house. We LOVE spending time with one another and try to make it a priority every single day to spend time in the evening visiting. I have a whole post coming on this topic of dating your spouse.

Does your routine look the same with a newborn?

Not at all! Whenever I have a new baby, my routine is definitely different. I typically am not waking up early after waking up through the night with a newborn. My kids also pick up some extra chores (and help make dinner) so that I can have time to recover and heal. We typically start school back up when the baby is a few weeks old. NOT because I’m super mom- but I’ve found it to bring a peaceful routine to our home that the kids all crave and need. We lighten the load quite a bit for a month or so with our normal curriculum and focus on a lot of reading out loud, math and writing. Doing school with a newborn in our home has always made for some really sweet and slow memories.

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  1. I’m curious what chores your kiddos do at each age? Mine do a variety but I am trying to find a new say to split them & up and hold them accountable. I would love to see what you put on your chore chart!

  2. It’s so encouraging to read this. It’s obvious that your family is big and busy, but somehow still feels peaceful and priority. I’m encouraged! I’m hoping to learn how to get myself out of bed earlier to incorporate a little “momma time!” Thanks for taking the time to write this up!

  3. Enjoyed reading through this, and thank you for all the links!
    We have enjoyed a few of your recipes! But I love your list of usuals, that’s helpful for easy planning.

  4. I loved reading this! So helpful to see how other families do life! I was wondering what shows you allow your kids to watch? I’m looking for some good recommendations. Thanks!

    1. Our list of shows seems to be getting shorter and shorter… lots of crud on the TV anymore. We don’t watch a ton of tv, so what they do watch is pretty limited. They LOVE Steve Erwin and nature shows like that. The little guys love Puppy Dog Pals or Curious George 🙂

  5. As a public school teacher who just left the field to be home with my 3, this was so helpful! I tend to want things to look like “school,” and I need to give myself some grace and embrace the freedoms we have now! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I’m was not a teacher, but I just pulled my two daughters (9 & 6) from Publix school to homeschool. I am struggling SO bad with this…I feel like they need to homeschool the same way they used to do school…worksheets upon worksheets, 6 hours in length, common core, etc. It’s possible I’ll be sending my kids back to public school at some point so I feel like I can’t go too off track from what their school would be doing. Any advice?? I always feel like I’m failing.

  6. Love reading this! I love your blog so much. It is alwAys filled with such inspiration💗. Will you be sharing about your homeschool curriculum choices for this year ?

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your day! I always love seeing a day in the life and how different people order their schedules!

  8. Thanks for sharing this! I love “day in the life” posts (and actually just did a video version over on my YouTube channel (Hannah Olson). I think it’s just the coolest thing to have a peek into someone else’s daily life! I’ll have to check out some of your recommendations, too!

  9. Hi! Thanks for this post! My question is, when do you have time for after-dinner dishes?? I feel like I’m in the kitchen til 10 PM most nights just cleaning up from dinner prep and dinner. It takes forever. My kids do help with kitchen chores earlier in the day but the after lunch and after dinner rush just end up making me a huge clean up job.

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